
Scouting for Food

Scouting for Food is the official “Good Turn for America” for the Mecklenburg County Council. Scouting for Food teaches youth the value of helping others. It takes place on two consecutive weekends in late January/early February.

On Saturday morning, scouts distribute bags in designated neighborhoods. On Sunday, scouts distribute bags at Good Shepherd Church. The next Saturday morning, scouts revisit those houses to pick up bags full of canned food and other nonperishable items. On Sunday morning, scouts receive full bags of canned food and other nonperishable items at all church services at Good Shepherd Church.

All items are collected, organized and taken to Loaves and Fishes food pantries throughout Mecklenburg Council. For more information visit Mecklenburg County Council’s Scouting for Food page.

• Wear Class A uniform

Pack 167 is part of the Apache District within Mecklenburg County Council.

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