Pack 167 Camping Trips

Camping is a great way for your Scouts to learn life skills and independence that will last a lifetime! See below for more information on all of our annual camping trips. You can also check out our “What to Bring” list.




This is a themed weekend campout put on by our local council. Scouts will have the opportunity to learn a variety of skills to include BB Shooting, Archery, Fishing, BMX, and more.


webeloree - Not attending in 2023

This is a themed weekend campout put on by our local council. Webelos and Arrow of Light Scouts will have the opportunity to learn a variety of skills to include BB Shooting, Archery, Fishing, BMX, and more.


Thanksgiving in the woods campout

This is a more relaxed pace campout for our whole pack, at McDowell Park. We hike, play games, and COOK AN ENTIRE THANKSGIVING MEAL IN THE WOODS!!! This campout is exclusive to Pack 167!


arrow of light crossover

The Arrow of Light is Cub Scouting’s highest award. This ceremony is immediately followed by the Crossover ceremony where AOL recipients will “Crossover” into the Boy Scout Troop. 



This is a themed weekend campout put on by our local council. The Spring Cuboree allows Lion, Tiger, Wolf, Bear and Webelos 1 Scouts and their families. Scouts will have the opportunity to learn a variety of skills to include BB Shooting, Archery, Fishing, BMX, and more.

Pack 167 is part of the Apache District within Mecklenburg County Council.

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